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Unforgettable 2 Days From Miami to Orlando

Unforgettable 2 Days From Miami to Orlando

Unforgettable 2 Days From Miami to Orlando Experience the magic of Disney with our Miami-Orlando-Miami 2-days tour package! Departing daily from Miami at 7AM, you’ll arrive in Orlando by 11AM to enjoy a full day at a Disney park with a 1-day/1-park ticket.

We take care of all the details, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable adventure.

Prices per person:

 $850.00 for 4 passengers,

$980.00 for 3 passengers,

$1,250.00 for 2 passengers, 

$2,070.00 for 1passengers.

Book with us 48 hours in advance for a hassle-free, enchanting experience.

Progress Tours is committed to service and excellence since 1988.


    One of our experts will reach out to help you plan the perfect trip. We will help walk you through flight, hotel and activity options, putting together a package that meets your needs.

    Fill out the form to request your destination trip. Our prices is always per person. Please let us now about dates, accommodation base on SGL, DBL, TPL or QDP.

    Specify how many ADTs and CHDs 3/10 y/o), to better serve you.

    The pricing, headcounts, hotel and itinerary listed above are subject to change based on your request and availability.

  • Including

    Price shown is per person if 4 passengers. See other prices if less passengers.


    Hotels : we use Hilton-Hampton Inn Hotels – All taxes and Breakfast are inclusive.

    Private Transportation. Some Dates does not apply with such prices, like Holidays, Conventions, etc.

    If more than 4 passengers price goes down dramatically.

    Some Dates does not apply with such prices, like Holidays, Conventions, etc.

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